Are you stuck on a song or on a specific singing technique?
Sometimes there’s no need to invest in a long singing program.
You just need a push and advice on a specific tune or specific technique you’re using in a cover or original song.
Please send me your vocal performance demo, audio or video (no longer than 5 minutes total) and I will send you an overall critique in the
form of a video offering feedback on how to improve and make the most out of your performance song or cover.
1) Contact me at
2) I will give you instructions on how to send me an mp3 file of the song.
3) Let me know if you are looking for focus on any specific areas.
4) After my confirmation that I will accept the job, you will make your payment through Paypal, Credit card or Bank money wire transfer.
5) As soon as I receive your payment I will advise you.
6) I will provide the feedback to you in a video format by uploading it to Dropbox or other file sharing sites you prefer.
Any question? Please write me at:
The cost for this consulting is 40 Euros per song.
Apply NOW by writing me at: